Name: neener
School: USC Marshall School of Business
Status: Employed...finally
E-mail: Click here!
Reason for blogging: I'm incredibly self-absorbed. |
I'm listening to...
::"Stay Beautiful," The Last Goodnight
::"Spaceman," The Killers
::"Green Light," John Legend
::"Superstar," Lupe Fiasco
I'm watching...
::The Office
I'm reading...
::Taiwan, A Political History, by Denny Roy
::The Devil and Miss Prym, by Paulo Coehlo
I've just seen...
::Slumdog Millionaire
::I Love You, Man
::The Reader
Spelling Matters. Some of the spelling errors on starbucksspelling.tumblr.com are pretty funny, but I think this story illustrates why spelling matters. As I was standing by the pickup counter at Starbucks, I noticed that the barista had placed two grande cups on the counter, shouting something like "Two grande lattes!", but no one had claimed them. After a minute and a half, a man who had been standing across from me this whole time approached the counter and stared at one of the cups, as if trying to figure out if it was his or not. He continued staring for 10-15 seconds, which seemed like an unusually long time to figure out cup ownership. During this intense stare-off, he had a look of confusion and possibly anger or impatience on his face. I couldn't quite figure it out. He continued to examine the cup. Finally, he picked it up and gestured at the barista to get her attention.
When he finally got it, he said nothing and merely pointed at the cup. The barista looked at him and said, "I'm sorry. I just make the drinks." My curiosity was roused. What was going on?
Once I saw what name was written on the cup, everything made sense. Apparently, whoever had taken Angus's order had written "Anus" on the cup. Clever jibe or unfortunate error? We will never know.

It's Not As Racist As It Sounds. I'm not proud of my tea latte habit, which causes me to waste a lot of my hard-earned money at the Starbucks by my office. But if it hadn't been for my frequent trips, I might have missed out on this behind-the-pastry-case conversation between two Starbucks employees, one of whom is a tall, blond, Germanic-looking guy with an "Ah-nuld" accent, and the other just a regular looking Joe whose first language does appear to be English:
Ah-nuld: I saw a black woman yesterday. Scary.
Joe (with a start, looking around to see if any customers have overheard this): Wait, what?
Ah-nuld: A. Black. Woman.
Joe (clearly confused): Um, okay?
Ah-nuld: Movie?
Joe: Oh, do you mean "The Woman in Black"?
Ah-nuld: Yes, that's what I said. It was scary.
Joe: Oooh! Okay!

Happy Holidays! It's hard to forget about the commercial nature of the holidays, especially when you're in the mall trying to avoid an elbow to the face (unintentional, of course...it's just that you're short, and the store is the sardine tin you are trapped in with the city's entire population) and wondering why you're putting yourself through shopping hell.
But just remember, the holidays are not about shopping (yes, this is coming from someone in retail), it's about giving. And family and friends. And being nice to everyone. And next year, embrace online shopping.
Labels: holidays

Dear Supermarket Bagperson: I don't know if you know this, but you do not win a prize if you can fit 100% of my groceries into one bag. Especially when I have provided you with two bags. Extra especially when piling everything into one bag results in a load so heavy that it makes me wish I had a back brace with me. It's not a contest, okay?Labels: annoyed, fury, pet peeves, rant
Farewell, Steve Jobs. It is always sad when someone passes away, especially after such a long bout with cancer, but it still seems so bizarre to feel as sad as I do about the passing of a CEO. A CEO! But when I think about how I take for granted how I navigate my computer's hard drive, how I buy music, how I can't live without my iPod, and how I have come to expect both sleek design AND function in the electronics I purchase, whether from Apple or not, I can't help but marvel about how his vision has impacted my life and changed the world. What a truly amazing legacy.

Mini-Rant of the Day. I hate it when restaurants serve salads where the leafy greens (or anything other ingredient, for that matter) are not cut into bite size pieces. Exactly how do they expect me to fit an entire romaine leaf into my mouth? Plus, those leaves are coated with dressing, so it's not like I can stuff it in my mouth without getting dressing sprayed all over the table, my face, and my clothes. And of course they've provided me with only one utensil, a fork, with which to make pathetic repeated attempts at leaf origami. Lame! Lame! Lame!Labels: annoyed, food, pet peeves, rant

Happy Belated Halloween! I couldn't post this last week when I actually heard it because I had no breathing room between getting home from work and hightailing it to the airport for my flight to Washington, DC, for the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear (more on that later). Anyway, this is the kind of stuff I overhear in the office.
Co-worker 1: Oh my gosh, my friend is going to be Snooki for Halloween! That will be awesome because she totally looks like Snooki.
Co-worker 2: Does your friend look like a troll?Labels: holidays, work
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EBITAS (noun):
Abbreviation for "Earnings Before Income Tax, Amortization, and SGARA." Next week, find out what SGARA is.
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