Name: neener
School: USC Marshall School of Business
Status: Employed...finally
E-mail: Click here!
Reason for blogging: I'm incredibly self-absorbed. |
I'm listening to...
::"Stay Beautiful," The Last Goodnight
::"Spaceman," The Killers
::"Green Light," John Legend
::"Superstar," Lupe Fiasco
I'm watching...
::The Office
I'm reading...
::Taiwan, A Political History, by Denny Roy
::The Devil and Miss Prym, by Paulo Coehlo
I've just seen...
::Slumdog Millionaire
::I Love You, Man
::The Reader
A Short Excerpt from a Korean Soap Opera. (A couple are dining in a nice restaurant. They are sharing an intimate moment. The man pulls out a jewelry box.)
MAN Honey, happy birthday! (He opens the box, and there is a bracelet inside.)
WOMAN Oh, honey!
MAN Why are you wearing sunglasses inside? Take them off.
(He reaches across the table and takes off her sunglasses, revealing her black eye).
What happened? Did your husband hit you?
WOMAN (nodding tearfully) Yes.
MAN (outraged) On your birthday?
WOMAN (still crying) He didn't know it was my birthday!
Oh...and I was gonna get all indignant. If the husband had known it was her birthday AND hit her, then that would have been outrageous. But he didn't know, so I guess that's okay then. 'Cause we all know it's all right to show a woman the back of your hand once in a while...just not on her birthday.
Ah, Korean soap operas...

Happy Chinese New Year! I haven't updated lately because I've been pretty busy. While still job hunting, I've been working part-time at Changer's place of business and proofreading essays in the evening. I'm feeling pretty darn tired. Adjusting to regular business hours has been difficult, since I pretty much stayed in bed til 10 in the morning prior to the job. And of course, I had to rediscover the joy of commuting. Very enjoyable.
Anyway, tonight was Chinese New Year's Eve, so I spent the day making sure the house was all neat and ready to go on New Year's Day. Afterwards, I bought some new underwear for the new year. And then I had a huge dinner with the extended family...tons of traditional Taiwanese food (i.e. crazy ass parts of animals that other people throw away but Taiwanese people don't believe in wasting...note that "crazy ass" is a modifying phrase and that no ass, real or fictitious, was eaten in any way during the dinner). Then the whole gang headed to my uncle's place for some non-traditional Cheesecake Factory carrot cake, which was ridiculously gynormous. I only ate half a slice....and felt ill afterwards. It was nice catching up with the family, though, and doing jigsaw puzzles with my cousin's kid, Ian, who was sporting his new haircut per Chinese tradition.
Anyway, hope you all have a good Chinese New Year!

Always Growing. Since I'm always full of good advice, I'm gonna give you some. You should always be learning things throughout life. I am. Today I learned how to "transfer" a call (thanks Changer), how to find transactions in a bank account using Quickbooks (thanks P$), and how to navigate through menus on a Blackberry (thanks David, the tech support guy at Verizon that I accidentally hung up on).
In order to remember the things you learn, it helps to periodically reinforce your knowledge by revisiting it. For example, I learned a long time ago that the 10 freeway during rush hour is a heinous snarl that can induce suicidal thoughts. So today, I revisited it...just to remind myself, you know. Moving at an average speed of 12 miles per hour helped me to remember the hell that is the 10 during rush hour. So, if you ask me what the 10 is like at rush hour, I can tell you immediately and with certainty: It's heinous. See? It works!

Stuff happens. Some things that have been on my mind of late:
SC lost in the Rose Bowl. Sad. We were so elated moments before it all fell apart.
The rains from the day of the Rose Parade has left detritus from evergreen trees all over the street. The wet bundles of dead pine needles resemble furry animals and gives the impression of dead furry animals all over the road and really freak me out. Sooo creepy.
I'm sitting in an office right now. I can see the ocean outside the window, as well as the monster known as the 405. I can practically feel the agony of the drivers in their cars from my vantage point.
Congratulations to Jaime on passing his boards!
Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve!
(I've already seen some video evidence of one friend's NYE activities...crazy stuff.)
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EBITAS (noun):
Abbreviation for "Earnings Before Income Tax, Amortization, and SGARA." Next week, find out what SGARA is.
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