Name: neener
School: USC Marshall School of Business
Status: Employed...finally
E-mail: Click here!
Reason for blogging: I'm incredibly self-absorbed. |
I'm listening to...
::"Stay Beautiful," The Last Goodnight
::"Spaceman," The Killers
::"Green Light," John Legend
::"Superstar," Lupe Fiasco
I'm watching...
::The Office
I'm reading...
::Taiwan, A Political History, by Denny Roy
::The Devil and Miss Prym, by Paulo Coehlo
I've just seen...
::Slumdog Millionaire
::I Love You, Man
::The Reader
Always Growing. Since I'm always full of good advice, I'm gonna give you some. You should always be learning things throughout life. I am. Today I learned how to "transfer" a call (thanks Changer), how to find transactions in a bank account using Quickbooks (thanks P$), and how to navigate through menus on a Blackberry (thanks David, the tech support guy at Verizon that I accidentally hung up on).
In order to remember the things you learn, it helps to periodically reinforce your knowledge by revisiting it. For example, I learned a long time ago that the 10 freeway during rush hour is a heinous snarl that can induce suicidal thoughts. So today, I revisited it...just to remind myself, you know. Moving at an average speed of 12 miles per hour helped me to remember the hell that is the 10 during rush hour. So, if you ask me what the 10 is like at rush hour, I can tell you immediately and with certainty: It's heinous. See? It works!
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When I learn a new word, I'll put it here so you can learn too!
EBITAS (noun):
Abbreviation for "Earnings Before Income Tax, Amortization, and SGARA." Next week, find out what SGARA is.
Click here for previous "new words." |