I just spent over $500 on books I think I need to take out more loans.
Tired. So Tired I'm not even doing all the activities we've planned for the first-years' orientation, and I'm pooped. On Monday, I was part of the "O-Team Welcome" and hung out with people during breakfast and lunch. That night, I went to Busby's for the evening social event. EBITDA was in rare form, and I got to play "wingman" for the first time ever! Fun stuff.
Yesterday, I went to the mixer and ended up staying way longer than planned. Mr. "I'm on the Ethics Committee" decided to have a little too much to drink before his 6PM class and then proceeded to sit out one of his class presentations to come back down to the mixer and have more beer. Silly boy.
Today, I was on a student panel where the first-years could ask questions about life at Marshall. It was fun acting all knowledgeable. Little do those first-years know...Bwa ha ha ha!

A Little Night Music Last night (since it is past midnight, technically this was two nights ago), Cur, Dubya, Jenny from the Block, Sar, YJ, and I went to the Hollywood Bowl and listened to the L.A. Philharmonic and the Big Bad Voodoo Daddies perform swing music. It was really fun with everyone getting in the mood: people of all ages were getting out of their seats and swing dancing in the aisles. We had a smorgasbord of food as well: we had a cheese platter with crackers and french bread, fruits, nuts, and even chocolate. Very yummy.
Today (Saturday), I treated my mom to lunch for her birthday, and had dinner with some of the boys. We went to Islands (it was Andrew's first time). It was very good, as usual. Afterwards, we went bowling. I sucked, as usual, for the first two games. However, something really weird happened during the third game. I actually beat Andrew!
I got gypped because for the first frame, I bowled a strike, but the last pin took forever to fall down, so the computer only counted 9 pins. All of a sudden, 10 pins were in front of me again, and Shimi was just like, "Bowl!" So I did, and I hit 9 pins. And the computer didn't count any of them. Then I tried bowling yet again, but I lost my grip and dropped the ball during my windup, at which point Shimi pointed and laughed at me. I picked up the ball, shaking with laughter, bowled, and hit the remaining pin for the spare. All Shimi could say was, "That was the hardest work done for a spare, ever."
In Andrew's defense, I only beat him by one point, and he would have beat me...except during the last frame, Shimi yelled out "Andrew!" just as Andrew was releasing the ball, totally wrecking his concentration...Thanks, Shimi!

Chow Chow Chow Last night, a group of us (Viv, Steph, YJ, Kane, P$, and me) got together for dinner at Cha Cha Cha, a Caribbean restaurant in Silver Lake. We all had the jerk pork platter, with the exception of Kane, who opted for the bistec argentino. The pork was extremely delicious (the jerk seasoning was flavorful with a spicy kick), as was the sangria. The only disappointment was the fried plantains...but then again, once you've had Leo's plantains, you can't be satisfied with anyone else's. I ate my fill and still had a huge amount left over, which I look forward to finishing up later tonight, if the rest of my family haven't already pillaged the fridge.

Make Some Noise Yesterday, I went to my second baseball game ever at Dodger Stadium with a bunch of incoming first-years. We started off with a barbecue at Elysian Park and then walked over to the stadium of a short game that consisted of Dodgers beating the Pirates. It was a good game; we got to see Eric Gagne pitch, too! Of course, an important part of being at a game is eating, and YJ and I got an "It's It!" ice cream sandwich on Adam's recommendation. We are very, very grateful to Adam. Essentially, it's vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two oatmeal cooked and then covered in a thin chocolate shell. A whole different animal from the "Chip It!" ice cream sandwich. Yum!
During one of my "I'm bored" periods, I decided to check on my site's stats, which I have done in a while. Did you know that the top search word used to find this page is "free family reunion sample powerpoint presentations in spanish"? A bit odd...but that's what my site statistics tool tells me.

Lost in the Tumult With all the things going on this week, I forgot to mention a very important event! One of my classmates got married this past Saturday! She looked very radiant and beautiful, and her dress was amazing. Her dad was really funny when he gave his toast, and the bride and groom did a very cute choreographed dance. As usual, I had to be dragged on to the dance floor for the whole bouquet toss, which is a humiliating experience, but luckily, I placed myself behind a very tall person, so there was no chance I was going to catch the bouquet if it came sailing in my direction. I'm smart like that, you know?

Talk About Follow-Through Oh yeah, I almost forgot...yesterday we had an event for incoming Marshall first-years at a bowling alley in Santa Monica. I worked the sign-in table, so I got to meet everyone, which was cool. Most importantly, I broke 50! I kept telling people that I would bowl above 50 (I pretty much suck at bowling), and some people scoffed. Apparently, they are unaware that when I say I'm going to do something, I DO IT! All you nay-sayers: I bowled 66 plus a spare before they shut down my lane, so there! Murph says that had I been allowed to bowl the full number of frames, I was on track to hit 90! My head just spins at the thought of a 90!
Auditory Respite After hearing the same 10 songs play over and over again on the Launchcast radio stations, I've found some relief. My current work "soundtrack" is HOT 92 JAMZ Online. Good stuff, but they do have a lot of ads.

Ah, Woe Is Me! How Events Doth Conspire to Tear Us Asunder This year has taught me a lot about heartbreak. If you've never had a deep, loving relationship, you will never know how much separation can hurt. Your stomach churns at the thought of your loved one being with someone else. Oh, the dull ache that seems to have taken up permanent residence in your chest as you spend each day in close proximity, yet unable to be together!
My dearest, dearest Parking Structure D! Know that I am loath to leave you! I never wanted us to be apart. You never crowded me. You gave me the space I needed, unlike Parking Structure X, whose spaces were ridiculously narrow. You eased my pain with your elevators on those days when I just couldn't make it up the stairs. I want you to know that I forgive you for your ill-placed entrance that required that exasperating left turn off of Jefferson Blvd. I accept your flaws and love you in spite of them! Although the tyrannical Office of Parking Services has decreed that we must part, I swear to you that you will always have a place in my heart. I only hope that those first-years and lucky second-years that have you this upcoming year appreciate everything that you provide as much as I do. Someday, someday, we will be together again! True love will reign! Hope springs eternal!
