Name: neener
School: USC Marshall School of Business
Status: Employed...finally
E-mail: Click here!
Reason for blogging: I'm incredibly self-absorbed. |
I'm listening to...
::"Stay Beautiful," The Last Goodnight
::"Spaceman," The Killers
::"Green Light," John Legend
::"Superstar," Lupe Fiasco
I'm watching...
::The Office
I'm reading...
::Taiwan, A Political History, by Denny Roy
::The Devil and Miss Prym, by Paulo Coehlo
I've just seen...
::Slumdog Millionaire
::I Love You, Man
::The Reader
The Signage Is For Your Benefit. Yesterday I felt like some overpriced sugar water (e.g., vitaminwater), so I headed to my local Safeway. It's a Safeway that I'm very familiar with, so as I approach the building, I don't even have to think as I walk towards the "entrance" doors versus the "exit" doors. As I get within several feet of the door, my brain slowly registers a face looking at me...it's some guy inside the Safeway about to exit through the door I'm approaching. Unthinking, I continue to walk closer, figuring that I'll let him pass first. But I forgot that the doors at Safeway are automatic doors. So as I stepped within the range of the electronic sensor, the door swung inwards and whopped the guy in the face. Then probably something automatic made the door swing back slightly but since I was still within range, it swung inward again, and whopped him a second time. I felt kinda bad...but I was also pretty amused.
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When I learn a new word, I'll put it here so you can learn too!
EBITAS (noun):
Abbreviation for "Earnings Before Income Tax, Amortization, and SGARA." Next week, find out what SGARA is.
Click here for previous "new words." |