Name: neener
School: USC Marshall School of Business
Status: Employed...finally
E-mail: Click here!
Reason for blogging: I'm incredibly self-absorbed. |
I'm listening to...
::"Stay Beautiful," The Last Goodnight
::"Spaceman," The Killers
::"Green Light," John Legend
::"Superstar," Lupe Fiasco
I'm watching...
::The Office
I'm reading...
::Taiwan, A Political History, by Denny Roy
::The Devil and Miss Prym, by Paulo Coehlo
I've just seen...
::Slumdog Millionaire
::I Love You, Man
::The Reader
It's all starting to make sense now Tadao sent me this link to a news story: Researchers Pinpoint Brain's Sarcasm Sensor. To paraphrase the article, people who don't get my brilliant wit are brain-damaged. This explains so much...
ROI I spent money that I don't have on tickets for the Alicia Keys concert at the Hollywood Bowl...but it was so worth it! For starters, the Isley Brothers opened the show with "Between the Sheets," followed by a string of their hits. Alicia started the night singing "Karma" with a big-band twist and then proceeded to just wow me with one song after the other, ending the night with "If I Ain't Got You." She is an amazing entertainer, meaning that she is more than just a singer with a great set of pipes but knows how to connect and work the audience. There is no comparison between seeing her live and listening to her CDs. In trying to describe the concert with friends, I've actually run out of superlatives. It was just incredible.
Now, Officially an MBA Grades are posted. And yes, I will be receiving a diploma in the mail next month and not some letter telling me to go back to school. Thank goodness. Yay!
This is bad. Very, very bad I'm obsessed. And stuck on level 11. http://laser.narr.as/laser.swf
The End of an Era That's pretty self-aggrandizing, isn't it? Now that I've graduated, I'm contemplating shutting down this blog. Then again, I'm technically an MBA now (assuming I didn't fail financial statement analysis), so it's not like "The MBA Diaries" would be a misnomer. Hmm. I'll have to think about the future of this site some more...
Officially an MBA Graduation was this past Friday the 13th. Had a red carpet moment as we exited the Shrine Auditorium. That's about it.
Shenanigans await At least 80 people from school are descending upon Las Vegas to end the year in a blaze of glory. Or sin. "I have a really bad feeling about this..."

El fin está muy cerca Happy Cinco de Mayo! It's 05/05/05! One more exam left in my MBA career. I'm very jealous of all the people who are done and can start partying now. Lucky bastards. I want to start drinking NOW.
BDK introduced several of us to a new dining experience at USC: the dining hall in the international students' residence. It is very nice, but it is also very far away. A tip from me: do not walk there from Popovich Hall carrying your backpack, especially if your financial statement analysis book is inside. It's been a couple of hours, and my back is still feeling it. All you can eat, burgers, fries, pizza, pasta, dessert, salad, Asian cuisine, etc. Tons of stuff! I had a cheeseburger, a salad (because, as you know, I am sooo healthy), and apple pie. Mmmm. Apple pie. Mmmm. Food coma. Uh...Later, 'gators, it's naptime!

My Mind Wanders As I recover from an accounting final (partial credit, please, please, please) and procrastinate rather than trying to actually do something with the gazillion exhibits in the case we are analyzing for our global strategy final, I have this random thought: whatever happened to Bo Jackson? He just kinda disappeared... I miss the "Bo Knows" ad campaign.
The answer? This is what ESPN tell us and what WEHT.net has to say.

The Increasing "Irrelevance" of Business Schools I saw this link to a press release on my school's intranet: http://www.marshall.usc.edu/Web/News.cfm?doc_id=6992
All I can say in response is, "I'm graduating in two weeks, and NOW you tell me?"
Edit: Apparently I have been remiss. One of my classmates recently launched his own business magazine, Más Kapital, and I totally forgot to mention it on this site. Yes, I suck. I know. Go on, let it out. Better now? You can find the online version at www.maskapital.com, and I highly recommend it...It's a fun read, and it's about business (how often can you say that?)!
Quick Question Um...is it possible to eat too much red meat? I had Korean BBQ after our last official mixer. I spent Friday finishing off my ma po tofu (with pork). I gorged on dim sum (pork pork pork) Sunday morning. And then I had a Vietnamese dinner that had 4 courses of beef. I can't move.
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EBITAS (noun):
Abbreviation for "Earnings Before Income Tax, Amortization, and SGARA." Next week, find out what SGARA is.
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