Name: neener
School: USC Marshall School of Business
Status: Employed...finally
E-mail: Click here!
Reason for blogging: I'm incredibly self-absorbed. |
I'm listening to...
::"Stay Beautiful," The Last Goodnight
::"Spaceman," The Killers
::"Green Light," John Legend
::"Superstar," Lupe Fiasco
I'm watching...
::The Office
I'm reading...
::Taiwan, A Political History, by Denny Roy
::The Devil and Miss Prym, by Paulo Coehlo
I've just seen...
::Slumdog Millionaire
::I Love You, Man
::The Reader
I'm Surrounded By mountains of Kleenex, that is. I need to do homework...but I'm feeling so awful I can't focus on anything. Not even TV!
Count Your Blessings I went to the student health center today. I couldn't deal with the aches, stuffiness, shortness of breath, sore throat, etc. They made me get a chest x-ray and do a blood test. They ruled out mono and pneumonia. So I've got that going for me.

Don't make me go back there I don't want to go back to school. I need a few more days of break. Please.
So, I guess I should recount some of the happenings at sea.
Day 1. We got on the boat Monday afternoon, just in time for a boat drill where we had to sit around in very uncomfortable life jackets. I note that there are a lot of families on this cruise. Boy, are they going to hate us. Dinner isn't til eight, so we sit around on the deck drinking buckets of Miller Lite and partaking of Operation Mule liquor. After getting properly sloshed, we have dinner and then head off to gamble, drink, dance, or a combination of the three. TJ stops gambling after a while and declares that the dealers are all crooked; some of us are astounded by the daring decor of Rex, the lone "dance club" on the boat. Some places are cool enough to sport two different animal prints on the walls...but few can pull off THREE different animal prints. Harrison eats 5 slices of pizza.
Day 2. We dock at Catalina. Some people head off to the island for golf (the real kind), mini-golf, and walking. TJ buys a "shell" necklace that is really plastic. The rest of us stay on board and sun ourselves on the upper deck. My curiosity gets the better of me, and I pay a little visit to the topless sundeck. While some of us play a little ping-pong, Shimi facilitates a meeting between TJ, a 19-yr old former high school wrestler (sporting the same necklace), and his 19-yr old friend. Everyone witnessing this meeting feels a little dirty. Tonight is formal "dress up" night. We get dolled up and head to the "captain's cocktail" where we meet the crew and then have dinner. After dinner, we head to The Leonardo, a lounge featuring a Filipino cover band (I'm not sure why, but everyone on the boat refers to them as "the Filipino cover band"). We play a couple rounds of a**hole and swing dance a little bit. Korinke gets on the stage and tries to play the drums and also tries to run behind the bar. As usual, this is followed by the cruise trifecta: gambling, drinking, and/or dancing. Late night buffet consists of a lot of fish-related foods, molded meat (terrines), and dessert. Some people miss the late night buffet and eat at the Paris restaurant, which is open 24 hours and has good pizza.
Day 3. We dock at Ensenada. Start the day with breakfast and sunning on the deck. We disembark and head to Papas & Beer, a well-known joint. It's all touristy, though, and the prices reflect it. We decide to head elsewhere after a round of beers and find Los Amigos Tacos & Beer, where you get $15 buckets of beer (10 bottles) and where during happy hour, you get $1 bottles of beer. We drink. A lot. We also eat lots of delicious beef tacos. People buy little souvenirs from street vendors, sing some "We Want Some P**ssy!", and dance on the bar...you know, the usual. Ponchos and Spiderman pinatas are purchased. We head back to the ship, stopping by a sex shop on the way just for kicks. Back on the boat, there is a Franzia party before dinner. At dinner, some members do their best to see if they can get into boat jail, if there is such a thing. Some people try to do the wave, and around six people jump on the dining table and dance. I am at the "quiet table," so the server approaches us and asks us to get our companions out of the dining room before they have to call security. Cruise trifecta again. Korinke and MO'M run around barefoot. We head to the America Bar, a sing-along piano bar where people request "Tiny Dancer" (a.k.a. Tony Danza) over and over again. Piano player obliging creates a little ditty on the fly for Harrison: "Hook Up with the Asian Guy." Lisa kisses TJ so that the 19-yr old wrestler thinks that he's picking up chicks with "the coolest guy ever!". Security catches 19-yr old wrestler with alcohol. TJ claims to be his "chaperone." Security threatens to give TJ to the authorities in Long Beach when we get back to shore. TJ changes his story and claims he doesn't know the kid.
Day 4. Day at sea. Wake up early to catch good seats at Paris Restaurant for March Madness. Continuous eating and basketball for approximately 5 hours. We try to get some sun, but the weather isn't cooperating so much. A private Happy Hour means open bar for an hour and witnessing old people get drunk and dance and pretend to be strippers. Yikes. Back to Paris Restaurant for more basketball. Pinata party in Korinke and BDK's room. Dinner. America Bar for a long, long time. A lot of "Hook Up with the Asian Guy." Everyone on the boat now knows "Hook Up with the Asian Guy." Paris Restaurant again. Gambling. Sleep.
Day 5. Breakfast at Paris Restaurant one last time. Standing in customs forever. Los Angeles welcomes us back with rainy weather and a long ride home with lots of traffic. Sweet, sweet Los Angeles.
Now that I'm back on land, I have done nothing but sit on my couch with my TV blaring NCAA basketball. Well, I did exit my apartment twice. Once to get groceries. Another time to head to one of my regular haunts in Hollywood, where they were having a funk/soul night, and Cut Chemist made an appearance. Cool. OK. I need to do laundry now.

A little follow-through would be nice It's kinda crazy because I've been threatening to do it but haven't done it in a year, but I actually updated the galleries section of this site. I know. Crazy.
We drank a lot. It was fun And that pretty much sums it up. I am so, so exhausted.
Danger.. Midterms are over. Spring break is upon us! I'm going on a cruise to Ensenada, Mexico, with 25 other classmates. Yes, you read right. Twenty-five other classmates. I sense that it is going to get a little crazy. I'm sure that there will be some families on this trip who are going to regret their spring break plans once they get a whiff of the crazy, perpetually intoxicated Marshall crew. Let the debauchery begin!
Midterm Time I bombed my financial statement analysis midterm. Completely. My midterm looked like post-assault Fallujah. Yeah. That's right.
On a happier note, I was a very lucky lady. BDK deigned to dine with little ol' insignificant me twice this week! On Tuesday, Shimi, BDK, and I had La Salsa for lunch. Today, after the mixer, I headed over with BDK, P$, Scot, and Serena to Fatburger. I was privileged to witness P$ down a Kingburger (1/2 lb. beef patty) and BDK eat a fatburger with bacon and egg. Such eating prowess is a marvel to behold.
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EBITAS (noun):
Abbreviation for "Earnings Before Income Tax, Amortization, and SGARA." Next week, find out what SGARA is.
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