Name: neener
School: USC Marshall School of Business
Status: Employed...finally
E-mail: Click here!
Reason for blogging: I'm incredibly self-absorbed. |
I'm listening to...
::"Stay Beautiful," The Last Goodnight
::"Spaceman," The Killers
::"Green Light," John Legend
::"Superstar," Lupe Fiasco
I'm watching...
::The Office
I'm reading...
::Taiwan, A Political History, by Denny Roy
::The Devil and Miss Prym, by Paulo Coehlo
I've just seen...
::Slumdog Millionaire
::I Love You, Man
::The Reader
The neighborhood is all a-flutter Yep. It's the Oscars. And I live in Hollywood. So yeah, you might say there's some activity in my hood. Streets are closed off, industry people are partying, and I'm sitting in the apartment trying to will myself to study for my financial analysis midterm.
Yesterday, I spent the day at school judging the Marshall International Case Competition. It was kinda annoying since I had to stay indoors on such a nice day, but it was definitely a good experience.
A Tip for Job Seekers "Under 'Reasons for Leaving Last Job,' never give the real reason, unless it's money or ambition."
-From Kitchen Confidential, by Anthony Bourdain

Behind the Facade Note to self: Do not follow sleepless night with classes from 8:30am to 5p.m. followed by dinner and sake followed by karaoke til midnight and then expect to be able to wake up the next morning. Bodies just don't work that way.
Yesterday was Shimi's birthday, and we celebrated by having dinner in Little Tokyo (J-Town) at one of my regular haunts, Teishokuya of Tokyo (T.O.T.). Afterwards, we headed over to one of the newer karaoke spots in Koreatown (K-Town) called Orchid. We got a gynormous room that felt like the size of my apartment. Inside was a huge table that could have doubled as a stage!
What I learned last night is that karaoke allows you to discover a side of people you just don't get to know in a school setting. Who knew that BDK could sing? That Jason harbors an inner Backstreet Boy? That Viv knows every song known to man? That Jang is the master of "slow, sad songs that make you want to kill yourself" (someone else's quote, not mine)? To see behind the masks we all wear is such a life-altering revelation. Well, not really. I'm just being melodramatic.

Chad-free Student body elections were today. Exciting. Results to be announced tomorrow at our weekly mixer.
Trapped Crap. During our business law class, Kamikaze showed me this online game, called Crimson Room. It's kinda like Myst, where you're in this crimson room, and you have to get out by exploring the room and picking up clues. I'm terrible at these games (I got through Myst by reading the walkthrough), and surprise, surprise...I'm STUCK INSIDE the room. I can't get out! Dang it.
Happy Valentine's Day Whatever. I have never spent a Valentine's Day with a special someone. So here's to tradition and to being single! Surprisingly, I find that I'm not bitter about this at all. Not at all.
 Image courtesy of I'm not sure who. Please don't sue me.

A Little Night Music II This past Friday was Marshall Idol, a school-wide karaoke-style competition that is one of the highlights of the school year. YJ, Sar, and I performed Destiny Child's "Lose My Breath." We had some technical difficulties when we realized that the words on the screen were not the correct lyrics....so I just started randomly making up words. Hopefully , no one noticed. We tried our best to distract people from the singing with our "assets" instead.
There were some great performances. There was a rendition of "Pressure" with someone dressed as Freddy Mercury, and A-Cash shook his moneymaker as part of the "Bombay Dreams" team. Chang gave another memorable performance (the BeeGee's "More Than a Woman") and stole the show! We had three "celebrity" guest judges: Professor Young, Mark McGrath, and Danica McKellar. It was a great night!

Unmotivated So much stuff to do. So little energy. Things to do: update and send off resume, read business forecasting book, read articles on India, read financial statement analysis book, read...crap, what are my other classes again? You get the picture.
Instead of working on school stuff, I went to a classmate's house for some good grub before heading off to volunteer for L.A.'s Best, an afterschool program, where I played "American Idol" and "Shark" with a bunch of 3rd graders. After all that running around ("Shark" is a lot like tag), I needed to rest. Dubya and Jenny from the Block then stopped by my place, and the three of us joined my classmates at the Dresden Room in Los Feliz. It was awesome! The nightly act (Marty and Elayne) are a perfect match for the old-school decor, which is beautiful. Great act, great atmosphere, and a great time.

I'm a switcher Yes, the rumors are true. After my second Dell laptop died, I decided to something totally wacky...I bought a Mac. A PowerBook, to be precise. Don't get me wrong, I was totally cool with my Windows 2000, but the Macs are just so pretty, and there were some design features (such as the slot loading CD drive) that just seemed to make sense for me.
So right now, I am a bit stressed out because on top of schoolwork and finding a job, I also have two other pressing matters: figuring out my plans for spring break and what song to sing for our school's karaoke contest. It's not as easy as one would think. Thinking of a song that will provide some entertainment value and is within my limited vocal range is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Difficult, indeed.
I'm pooped. I ate too much Korean BBQ after out Thursday mixer and now I'm slowly losing consciousness...
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EBITAS (noun):
Abbreviation for "Earnings Before Income Tax, Amortization, and SGARA." Next week, find out what SGARA is.
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