Name: neener
School: USC Marshall School of Business
Status: Employed...finally
E-mail: Click here!
Reason for blogging: I'm incredibly self-absorbed. |
I'm listening to...
::"Stay Beautiful," The Last Goodnight
::"Spaceman," The Killers
::"Green Light," John Legend
::"Superstar," Lupe Fiasco
I'm watching...
::The Office
I'm reading...
::Taiwan, A Political History, by Denny Roy
::The Devil and Miss Prym, by Paulo Coehlo
I've just seen...
::Slumdog Millionaire
::I Love You, Man
::The Reader
Actually, I'm the one who should be offended Did you know that if you search for "Ice-Fili MBA case" on Yahoo's search engine, this blog shows up as number 2 on the search results? Search using Google, and this blog shows up among the results. Why do I mention this?
Well, I'll tell you. Lately random people have been emailing me for help on the Harvard business case on Ice-Fili, the Russian ice cream company. While it is usually a compliment to be asked for help on classwork, I'm not sure I should be pleased. You see, it is painfully obvious that these people asking for help have not been carefully reading my blog. No, instead of really listening to me, they just read the little part that is displayed in the search engine results:
"Finals are here. Time to finish reading the strategy case on Ice-Fili, a Russian ice cream company. "
What they DON'T read is the all-important statement a couple of entries down:
"I think I just failed my strategy final. "
See that? These people just read one part without reading the whole, and then they think they can just email me for help. What is wrong with you people? You never really listen to me! You only want me when you think I have something you need. You don't really love me, do you? I'm heartbroken. I'm just going to crawl in a corner and cry now.

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EBITAS (noun):
Abbreviation for "Earnings Before Income Tax, Amortization, and SGARA." Next week, find out what SGARA is.
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