Name: neener
School: USC Marshall School of Business
Status: Employed...finally
E-mail: Click here!
Reason for blogging: I'm incredibly self-absorbed. |
I'm listening to...
::"Stay Beautiful," The Last Goodnight
::"Spaceman," The Killers
::"Green Light," John Legend
::"Superstar," Lupe Fiasco
I'm watching...
::The Office
I'm reading...
::Taiwan, A Political History, by Denny Roy
::The Devil and Miss Prym, by Paulo Coehlo
I've just seen...
::Slumdog Millionaire
::I Love You, Man
::The Reader
Tired We had a case competition yesterday, so my team was in the library working on our presentation until 2:30am, only to go home, rest for 2 hours, and leave again for school. Not fun. We gave our presentation, which went well, and then we spent the rest of the day in a dazed state...the good thing was that the case was on a winery called Domaine Chandon, so we got some free sparkling wine at the reception.
Afterwards, I went home, took a nap, and then headed out to Westwood for some Indian food at Sar's birthday dinner. Since we were too tired to go clubbing, Freddy suggested karaoke. It was a night of discovery. We learned some things about our classmates, such as (1) Tammy can sing, (2) Wes likes Guns 'n' Roses played really, really loudly, and (3) rap is not our forte.
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When I learn a new word, I'll put it here so you can learn too!
EBITAS (noun):
Abbreviation for "Earnings Before Income Tax, Amortization, and SGARA." Next week, find out what SGARA is.
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