Name: neener
School: USC Marshall School of Business
Status: Employed...finally
E-mail: Click here!
Reason for blogging: I'm incredibly self-absorbed. |
I'm listening to...
::"Stay Beautiful," The Last Goodnight
::"Spaceman," The Killers
::"Green Light," John Legend
::"Superstar," Lupe Fiasco
I'm watching...
::The Office
I'm reading...
::Taiwan, A Political History, by Denny Roy
::The Devil and Miss Prym, by Paulo Coehlo
I've just seen...
::Slumdog Millionaire
::I Love You, Man
::The Reader
Superficiality Wins I just happened to catch the end of "Average Joe in Hawaii," a Bachelorette-type show where the girl is really pretty and the guys she has to choose from are just "average Joes." After the initial surprise (that there are no hot guys to choose from), they then introduce a twist where she has to choose between a hot guy and the average guy. So guess who wins? The hot guy. I remembered listening to a promo for this episode (the finale), and they promised that at the end, the girl, Larissa, would reveal her own "surprise." I so wanted her to bust out with something shocking like, "I used to be a man, baby!" But no. I got no such surprise. Instead, her stupid surprise was, "I used to date Fabio." And because of that, the hot guy didn't want to be with her. The hot guy kept saying, "Just put yourself in my place, and what irks you is what irks me." But nothing irks me, so I'm really confused as to why having Fabio as an ex makes you repulsive. I just don't get it. So now I'm just feeling a great deal of disappointment that I didn't get the cool surprise I was hoping for and in a state of confusion over why the guy broke up with her. If you can enlighten me, please do so.
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EBITAS (noun):
Abbreviation for "Earnings Before Income Tax, Amortization, and SGARA." Next week, find out what SGARA is.
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