Name: neener
School: USC Marshall School of Business
Status: Employed...finally
E-mail: Click here!
Reason for blogging: I'm incredibly self-absorbed. |
I'm listening to...
::"Stay Beautiful," The Last Goodnight
::"Spaceman," The Killers
::"Green Light," John Legend
::"Superstar," Lupe Fiasco
I'm watching...
::The Office
I'm reading...
::Taiwan, A Political History, by Denny Roy
::The Devil and Miss Prym, by Paulo Coehlo
I've just seen...
::Slumdog Millionaire
::I Love You, Man
::The Reader
Going Through Withdrawal I truly believed that I would be able to update my website and surf the internet with complete abandon once I stopped working. This has not been the case. I should have foreseen these obstacles, but I suppose that in my excitement at being unemployed, my mind glossed over them.
Obstacle 1: Dial-up. At work, I get along swimmingly with a super-fast T1 connection. At home, I have a measly dial-up connection. Not only that, but something is totally out of whack with my dial-up service because I get, ON AVERAGE, a connection speed of 20 kbps. It's excruciatingly slow, and makes checking e-mail more like torture as I wait for each page to load. I'm going to have to talk with my Internet provider about this.
Obstacle 2: Siblings. At work, I worked off a LAN. As long as I was sitting at a computer, I was able to frolic among web pages. Now, at home, I have to wait for a sibling to "be done with their stuff" before I can get on. Naturally, siblings don't care if you have to check your e-mail. They have to read the latest news on their friend's xanga blog, because that's naturally more important. Sheesh, I hate sharing.
I have been going through major Internet withdrawal. I'll be sitting in front of the TV, and all of a sudden, the last funny e-mail I received will run through my head. I'll be sitting in traffic, and my eyes will glaze over as I fantasize about being able to visit my cherished forums and chatrooms. It's pathetic, I know.
Speaking of withdrawal, I finally decided on which b-school to attend. I will definitely be attending the Marshall School of Business at USC. It was a very difficult decision, but I couldn't go on in limbo any further. I had to send in a withdrawal letter to the other school I had accepted (I was not trying to be tricky...the schools had different acceptance deadlines so I had to send in deposits to both). I really liked the other school, and it was really difficult writing that withdrawal letter. If it had been a school that I was ambivalent about, I could have whipped up a quick letter in a jiffy. However, since I felt that I had really gotten to know the staff and students at the school I was declining, I really wanted to write the best rejection letter I could write. I'm not so egotistical as to think that they're crying over my not going there...for all I know, they could be thinking, "Good riddance!" But I'd rather it be the former than the latter. They put in all that effort to appear caring and courteous, so I felt that I should be the same in return, whether or not they were sincere. After I put the letter in the mail, all I could think of was the finality of such an action. But I will not second-guess myself, so I shall leave all doubts behind. Onward! And upward!

Life Is Sweet Friday was my last day at work. I got up on Monday around 7 am...and then promptly went back to sleep. Why? Because I could, that's why!
On MBA-related stuff, USC assigns all the first-years a mentor from the year above. From what I can tell, they try to find someone that is interested in the same field that you say you're interested in on your application. My mentor, whose desired industry is management consulting, contacted me by email a couple of days ago and offered to answer any questions I might have regarding the industry and school in general. She (I'm guessing...it could be a guy, for all I know) was very helpful and basically told me to chill out and enjoy my summer vacation instead of freaking out about math skills and that sort of thing. So I'm going to try to do as she says...chilling out doesn't seem too tough a task!
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EBITAS (noun):
Abbreviation for "Earnings Before Income Tax, Amortization, and SGARA." Next week, find out what SGARA is.
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